Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:18-19)

  • The team in India is beginning to write out the project proposal. In order to receive any funding from abroad (including from CDI), a proposal has to be submitted to and approved by the government. Pray for wisdom for the team in India as they begin writing out the details of the work.

  • While we wait for approval to send the funds contributed to CDI, the team in India is beginning plans for a medical camp in a Pangan village with training and/or treatment, which will be funded entirely by donations raised there in India. Pray for the planning of this work.

  • Pray that God would raise up more prayer partners both in the US and India

  • This is pioneering work and will likely go slow. (William Carey worked in India for 8 years before he saw his first covert.) The goal is to create an insider movement (if you wonder what this means, there’s a great article here). This is a new approach for the STNBA. Pray that they will embrace this approach and that we can find laborers (Matt 9:38) who will come alongside Pangans and help them to be faithful disciples of Jesus within the culture of their people group.

  • Pray that God would create opportunities to engage and enter into the lives of Pangans, to enter into their culture and get to know them, build relationships so that there might be opportunities to find people ready to learn more about Jesus

  • Pray specifically that those opportunities would give way to Pangans joining Discovery Bible Studies

  • Pray that God would provide the finances to free up laborers to invest time and finances to provide resources for means of engaging (whether it be resources for classes, materials, providing felt needs, etc)