“…behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” (Rev 7:9)

And may there be many Pangans among them

  • Read Updates on the Project

    Sometimes it’s encouraging to hear what’s going on. We’ll post periodic updates on our news page. Click Updates below to see all updates

  • Pangan People

    Want to know more about reaching the Pangan People? Read here for a background on the people, this project and the call and passion to see them one day in heaven.

  • Prayer Points

    Want some specific things you can pray. Click Prayer below to see a list of specific prayer requests, which will be periodically updated. Thanks for pryaing!

  • Funding the Mission

    A big part of this project and the purpose of this page is to mobilize both prayer partners and financial partners. Specifically, we’re trying to raise $3000 per month to fund the first 5 years of ministry.